Similar Case

As a BYU-Idaho student you begin to feel a need to become more involved in activities. You find out that there is a position available as the basketball coordinator in the winter semester. There are only a few people applying for the position but the school has asked you how you are going to manage and how it is going to be accomplished. You decide to contact last year’s coordinator and he e-mails you a work breakdown structure that he was given.

Important information about the season: There are certain things that need to begin before the season starts such as finding coaches, refs, etc. to help. Three will be a three day tryout beginning January 10, 2009. Then there is a two month long season which is followed by a one week playoff. To end the season those involved are invited to a banquet provided by the school in the Hart Auditorium. The school wants to have what you’ve planned by December 1, 2008 so they can decide whether or not to choose you.

Deliverable: make a Gantt schedule of the wbs


BYU-I Basketball coordinator

1 Find help

    1. Find coaches
    2. Find announcers
    3. Find people to keep stats
    4. Find someone to record the games
    5. Find referees
    6. Ask for more coordinators
  1. Make important dates
    1. schedule a three day tryout
    2. organize a bi-weekly practice for each time
    3. schedule one game a week between two teams (8 for each teams)
    4. organize a playoff system (one week)
    5. schedule and plan for a banquet after the season is over
    6. schedule a weekly meeting with coaches and coordinators
  1. Update info on school activities website
    1. Post schedule every week
    2. Create a link to show game and player stats (update weekly)
    3. Create a link for the teams standings (update weekly)
Published on November 5, 2008 at 4:58 pm  Comments Off on Similar Case